Legal mentions


The website (hereafter referred to as « the Site ») is edited by the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône (Société Coopérative Agricole à capital variable) registered at the Business and Companies Register of Romans under number RCS 302 558 622, whose headquarters are at Route de Nyons – BP16 – 26790 TULETTE (26357).
The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône is subject to VAT, identified by an individual number as required by article 286 ter of the French General Tax code. Its identification  number is FR27302558622.
Tel: +33 (0)4 75 96 20 00
E-mail :
The Director of Publication of the site is Sandrine Sanchez – Marketing Manager.


LN Web – Loane Nguyen


2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France


Access to the Site is reserved for persons of legal age to consume alcohol in their country of residence.
These general conditions of use apply to all site users, from their first connection.
The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône accepts no responsibility or liability if these conditions are not respected.


The site, its architecture, presentation, graphics and all data, brands, photos, text, comments, illustrations, images whether animated or not, video clips, sounds, and all other element or content on the Site are protected by the laws in force concerning intellectual property.  They are the exclusive property of the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône or its partners.
Any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process or on any medium whatever, of all or part of any element of the Site without the prior written agreement of the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône is  strictly forbidden and the perpetrator of any infringement shall be held liable. No commercial exploitation even partial of the data presented on the Site may be carried out without the express prior written agreement of the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône. Non prosecution upon discovery of unauthorised use does not constitute acceptance of the said use or waiver of the right to prosecution. 
It is notably forbidden:

– to use a copy, total or partial, or the Site and/or its brands that appear on it for any commercial purposes.
– to modify the Site, in whole or in part, or reproduce on any medium whatever the nature (including, but not exclusively, paper documents , blogs, third party websites…)
However, users are authorised to download, print, and/or reproduce elements of the Site for exclusively personal and private use, on condition that copyright or other intellectual property rights are acknowledged on the page or pages of the Site which are copied or featured with the following mention on each element reproduced: “Copyright © Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône. All rights reserved”.


THE COMPANY the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône takes the greatest care and employs every resource to publish quality information.
The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône cannot, however, provide an absolute guarantee as to the accuracy and exhaustiveness of this information. Therefore the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône, subject to best effort obligation, cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial, prejudice caused if information is found to be inexact or incomplete.  
In general terms, the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the prohibited use of information or any other element on the Site.
The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the access to the Site and/or, conversely, any inability to access the Site.
To ensure good management of the Site, the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône reserve the right, at all and any time, to suspend, interrupt, or limit access to all our part of the Site, without prior notice, to delete all or any information liable to disrupt the correct functioning of the Site or in breach of national laws, or to suspend the Site for the purposes of updating information. 
The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône reserves the right to update the present conditions at any time and without prior notice.  It is the user’s responsibility to refer to these conditions on a regular basis so as to remain informed of any possible modifications. Any modifications will take effect upon publication. All use of the Site following such modifications constitutes agreement on the part of the user. 


The present Site and its conditions of use are subject to French law.


The Site registered under number 1681516 V 0 with the French Data Protection Authrority (CNIL) in accordance with the Act n°78-17 dated 6 January 1978 pertaining to information technology, databases and civil liberties. All users leaving nominative information about themselves on the site have a right of opposition( article 38 of the said law), access (articles 39, 41 and 42 of the said law), and rectification (article 40 of the said law)  of that data. The user can therefore demand, for legitimate reasons, that any information concerning them that is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out of date, or whose collection or use, communication or retention is forbidden be rectified, completed, clarified, updated, or deleted. All users of the Site may exercise these rights by writing to: Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône – BP 16 – Route de Nyons – 26790 TULETTE, France, or by e-mail to:
When a user visits the Site, the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône may ask users for certain personal information to identify them, offer personalized services, or improve the web site and be responsive to their needs.
To this end, nominative data (family name, first name, mailing address, etc.) or non-nominative data (preferences, favourite information…) may be requested when:

Creating an account
An information request is processed
Contributions to the Site are accepted
Subscriptions to the newsletter or promotional operations organised by the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône are registered

The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône only collects personal data that the user is willing to communicate and is necessary to offer its services and respond to the user’s requests.

Users can refuse to consent to the collection of their personal data. However, the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône informs users that access to certain elements of the Site may as a result be limited. Some information concerning the user is obligatory in order to access the relevant service. Information that is obligatory is indicated by an asterisk or other means.    

Personal data collected via the Site is for the sole use of the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône and will under no circumstances be transmitted to a third party without the explicit consent of the user.  Only employees of the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône or authorised personnel at agencies that manage certain operations for the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône (Site administration, management of competitions, sending of information) can access user data. These agencies are required to respect the confidentiality of information and to use it only for the precise operation for which they are called upon.
Strictly with the explicit consent of the user when the data is collected, information about the user may, if necessary, be communicated to commercial partners of the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône, who may propose their services, and/or be transmitted to other companies within the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône which may send news relating to its brands by post or e-mail.
Collected data is stored for a maximum of 13 months from the date of collection or the last contact from the user. As indicated above, the data will be deleted on request. Certain cookies are however exempted from the need for consent. 
All data that a user is susceptible to provide to share their contributions or opinions with contacts are used solely in order to send the said contributions or opinions to their contacts. In which case the user guarantees that they have previously obtained the agreement from such persons for the disclosure of their personal data. This data will under no circumstances be used for the purposes of commercial prospection on the part of the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône without the prior agreement of the said persons.
In order to provide a better user service, the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône measure the number of page views, the number of visits, and the activity of visitors to the Site, and the frequency of their visits. This is done using “cookies”. Cookies issued by the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône are used solely for the purposes described below, in accordance with the user’s choice resulting from the settings in the web browser software used when they visit the Site.
Cookies issued on the Site enable the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône to:

Establish statistics and levels of frequentation and measure the audience in relation to the sections and contents visited.
Adapt the presentation of the Site to the viewing preferences of the terminal being used (display resolution, computer system being used, etc)
Memorise information supplied by the user on forms on the Site
Allow the user to access reserved and personal spaces on the Site, such as their account, thanks to their usernames or any data that the user may have previously freely supplied.
The activation of a cookie on a computer is entirely subject to the wishes of the user of that computer, which may be freely expressed or modified at any time via the choices that are offered by their navigation system.
If a user has accepted the use of cookies on their terminal, the cookies integrated in the pages and content that they consult may be temporarily stored in a dedicates space on that terminal, and are visible only to the issuing body.
The user may decline to accept cookies, or be warned before deciding to accept them, by configurating their browser in the ‘Tools’ function in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox and ‘Settings’ in Safari. however, if the user should refuse cookies, it is possible that certain pages of the Site will not function correctly, or that some services will not be available to them.
The Site may use plugins made available by social media sites (,, twitter, etc.), and these can be identified by their respective logos. Plugins enable to user to save pages in their favourites and share their favourites with others social media users.
When a user visits a page containing plugins, their browser establishes a direct connection with the social network servers. The integrated plugins show the social media site that the user has consulted the corresponding page on the Site. If the user is connected to that network, the visit may be noted on their social media account. If the user interacts with the plugin, for example by liking or commenting on a Facebook post, this information is directly communicated via their browser to the social network concerned, who may store it. Even if the user is not connected to their social media site, there is a possibility that the plugins transmit their IP address to the social media site. 
The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône has no control over the process used by social media sites to collect information concerning a user’s navigation on the Site or in connection with the personal data it its possession. 
For further information on the subject and scope of the processing of data by the social networks, user rights in this regard, and how to configure setting options to protect confidentiality, the user is invited to consult the privacy policy of the website of the relevant social media.